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Buddhist International Alliance (BIA) is an international network of organizations founded by His Eminence Khejok Rinpoche, the abbot of Dhe-Tsang Monastery of eastern Tibet.

BIA has 3 arms :

The Monastic arm -

With Dhe-Tsang Monastery as its root monastery and includes Zarthu Monastery, also of east Tibet, Khejok House at Sera-Mey Monastery, South India, the future Gadan Dhe-Tsang Monastery to be built in Australia and all monasteries and nunneries affiliated with Dhe-Tsang Monastery and / or established by His Eminence Khejok Rinpoche.

The Dharma arm -

A network of Buddhist centers founded by His Eminence Khejok Rinpoche throughout Australia, Southeast Asia and Canada, all bearing the common name of Institute of Buddhist Learning & Practice (IBLP), dedicated to the spreading of the Buddhist teachings as taught by Je Tsong Khapa and his lineage.

The Charity arm -

The Dhe-Tsang Monastery Foundation is dedicated to the restoration of Buddhist monasteries in Tibet, providing education for sangha members in India and Tibet, providing free medical care to Tibetan villages, providing financial support for schools and students in Tibet and the spreading of Buddhist teachings.

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